Data hub
©Brayden Law/Unsplash

SDG Data Alliance

In July 2021, the  geographic information system software company Esri, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and PVBLIC Foundation launched the SDG Data Alliance to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

The Alliance will create an SDG Data Hub for each of the seventeen goals across developing nations in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Based on geospatial frameworks and technology, the data hubs will assist developing countries in measuring, monitoring and reporting on their progress toward reducing inequality and will empower people to ensure inclusiveness and equality.  

The United Nations Office for Partnerships (UN Partnerships) is playing an advisory role in facilitating the consultations and collaboration between the SDG Data Alliance and relevant UN stakeholders. 

The Alliance partner organizations are already helping several countries create, organize and implement SDG Data Hubs where: 

  • Gender, economic and constituent and population data will be used to identify marginalized workers, economic and labor market opportunities and gender balance in government;  
  • Data around water, health care and housing will help to build an infrastructure to keep vulnerable populations healthy;  
  • SDG equity data around education, economic growth, climate and agriculture will be used to help expand educational and employment opportunities. UN Partnerships will facilitate SDG Data Alliance consultations and collaboration with relevant UN system entities.