27 Mar 2024

Workshop on Fiduciary Services provided by the UN Foundation in collaboration with the UN Fund for International Partnerships

The UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) will convene a hybrid workshop on the fiduciary services provided by the United Nations Foundation to UN funds, agencies and programmes through UNFIP on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (NY time) at the UN Secretariat Building, S-1517 CR / MS Teams.  UNFIP is a UN trust fund administered by the UN Office for Partnerships (UN Partnerships) that was established in 1998 to administer and support the UN Foundation’s grantmaking to the United Nations.

Context and Need: Many of the United Nations (UN) funds, agencies and programmes lack a functioning U.S. charitable organization that is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, therefore making it difficult for them to compete for tax deductible contributions from U.S. companies or companies with U.S. affiliates, as well as individual contributions to their programmes from U.S. citizens. 

Demand: Each year, the UN Partnerships-receives several requests from UN entities seeking the assistance of the UN Foundation as a fiduciary or fiscal agent to receive and disburse contributions from corporations and private individuals in support of their specific campaigns and programmes. The UN Foundation has been instrumental and forthcoming in assuming the role of an effective, efficient and accountable charitable fiduciary to the UN over the years.

Role of UN Foundation: The UN Foundation is especially well-suited to assist the UN as a U.S. public charity and fiscal agent for receiving and disbursing (via UNFIP) and reporting on U.S. corporate and individual contributions to support UN programmes and campaigns. The UN Foundation and UN Partnerships have been providing fiduciary services to the UN since 2007 in various forms.

Purpose of Workshop: To provide an overview of the fiduciary services provided by the UN Foundation to the UN system;

● Specific examples and illustrations of current fiduciary agreements, including
testimonials from UN partners;
● An explanation of the criteria used by the UN Foundation to determine whether
UN entities qualify for fiduciary services;
● An overview of the process for entering into a fiduciary agreement with the UN
Foundation and UNFIP and all related administrative, legal and financial considerations.