Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar

Her Highness (HH) Sheikha Moza bint Nasser has played an active role in spearheading social and educational reforms in Qatar and around the world for the past two decades. HH works with the United Nations to support global education and other key areas of development for marginalised children and youth, through her role as Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, among other UN roles. In response to growing global needs, HH launched two initiatives that aim to foster development and stability for a better future; Education Above All, delivering quality education to out of school children.

“The desire to learn is one of the most powerful forces of human nature. And it is in every child. Helping children fulfill that innate desire is the responsibility of us all.”


Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser has spearheaded social and educational reforms in Qatar and around the world for nearly three decades. In response to growing global needs, she has launched many programs aiming to foster development and stability for a better future; Education Above All, which delivers quality education to out-of-school children, empowers marginalised youth socially and economically, and Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, which promotes quality education, innovation, research and social development. Her Highness works with the United Nations to support global education and other key areas of development for marginalised children and youth.

Her Highness introduced a resolution to establish 9 September as the International Day to Protect Education from Attack, which was passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2020. Through marking the day globally, the UN and Her Highness focus attention on the plight of children affected by armed conflict all over the world, who are in desperate need of educational support and call for international cooperation to protect teachers and educational institutes and to hold perpetrators of attacks responsible for their actions.