HH Muhammadu Sanusi II

His Highness Muhammadu Sanusi II, 14th Emir of Kano

The 14th Emir of Kano, His Highness (HH) Muhammad Sanusi II was turbaned in June of 2014. Prior to ascending the throne, HH was the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He was also at a time the Chief Risk Officer and Group CEO of First Bank of Nigeria Plc which was then Nigeria’s largest bank. He is credited with reforming the financial sector of Nigeria and is currently working on attracting investments in energy and manufacturing in his capacity as chairman of the Kano state Investment Advisory Committee. HH holds degrees in economics and Islamic law. HH is focused on peace, public health, girl-child education advocacy, job creation and reforms of Muslim family law.

“Education holds the key to our development. We must continue to give priority attention to the sector because it is the bedrock of any development.”



His Highness (HH) Muhammad Sanusi II is the Khalifa of the Tijjaniya group in Nigeria and the 14th Emir of Kano. Prior to ascending the throne, HH was the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He was also at a time the Chief Risk Officer and Group CEO of First Bank of Nigeria Plc. He was awarded Central Bank Governor of the year in 2011 due to his laudable anti-corruption campaign which salvaged and reformed the crumbling financial sector.

His Highness is passionate about the welfare of the girl-child, quality education, women empowerment, economic growth and good governance. He was appointed by the UN Secretary General as one of the 17 SDG Advocates in 2019 and has been focused on advancing the global goals with a focus on SDG 4, 5 & 8 (Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth). 

He also serves as the Chairman, Advisory Board of 1Million Teachers (a Canada based social enterprise that provides access to high quality teacher education to underserved communities around the world). In 2020, His Highness launched the Muhammad Sanusi (MSII) SDG Initiative which focuses on empowering teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa to generate innovative and inclusive grass--root solutions to improve education for all – particularly the girl child.