04 November 2023

Alice Aedy meets Hindou Ibrahim | Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion | United Nations

Alice Aedy, Co-Founder and CEO of Earthrise, an impact-driven media company for people + planet pioneering innovative multimedia storytelling, speaks in the SDG Pavilion with Hindou Ibrahim, President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad and UN Secretary-General's SDG Advocate. Hindou talks to Alice about the crucial role of Indigenous Peoples in protecting the planet in the face of climate crisis. 


What is the SDG Pavilion: 

The SDG Pavilion is a convening space and art installation, designed by renowned artist Es Devlin at UN Headquarters in New York during high-level week of the UN General Assembly. The 78th Session of #UNGA falls at the halfway mark to the 2030 deadline on the Sustainable Development Goals.