06 November 2023

Nathalia Arcuri meets Dr. Geetha Manjunath | Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion | United Nations

Nathalia Arcuri, founder of the world’s largest financial entertainment platform, Me Poupe! (@MePoupe) meets Dr. Geetha Manjunath. Watch their interview to learn about the game-changing technology Dr. Manjunath has invented, using AI to detect early-stage breast cancer and stop thousands of preventable deaths every year. 


What is the SDG Pavilion: The SDG Pavilion is a convening space and art installation, designed by renowned artist Es Devlin at UN Headquarters in New York during high-level week of the UN General Assembly. The 78th Session of #UNGA falls at the halfway mark to the 2030 deadline on the Sustainable Development Goals.