21 September 2023

Nathalia Arcuri meets H.E. Gordon Brown | Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion | #UNGA 78

The SDG Pavilion is a convening space and art installation, designed by renowned artist Es Devlin at UN Headquarters in New York during high-level week of the UN General Assembly. The 78th Session of #UNGA falls at the halfway mark to the 2030 deadline on the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Pavilion hosted a series of ‘Halftime Talks’ – stimulating sessions focused on unlocking the deep transitions needed to change the game in the second half and accelerate progress across the Goals. 

The United Nations and non-profit agency Project Everyone partnered with global influencers to bring the message of the SDGs at Halftime to people across the world through the Creator Studio at the SDG Pavilion – and inspire everyone to #ImagineWinning. Watch Nathalia Arcuri, founder of the world’s largest financial entertainment platform, Me Poupe!, speak with H.E. Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,about education and redistributing resources for the SDGs. 

Host: Nathalia Arcuri @MePoupe @nathaliaarcuri Channel: @Mepoupenaweb 

Guest: H.E. Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom